Here in Salt Lake this first week of January, it has been bitter cold...
and that is almost an understatement.

Vata runs high this time of year. 
        (The elements of air and space create the vata dosha.)
The qualities of vata describe our current weather perfectly-
            dry, light, cold, mobile, rough.
Out of the three doshas, vata is most prone to imbalance,
especially this time of year.
In order to find balance, vata needs to be grounded.

So what can we do to find balance?

Find a routine that works for you, and stick to it. 
Massage your entire body with a warming oil, such as sesame oil. Leave it on for at least 5-10 minutes before showering.
Neti every day, followed with Nasya or sesame oil.
Get your Vitamin D. Food sources include salmon, milk and eggs. The best source, however, is still good old sunshine.
Eat more foods that are sweet, sour, salty/heavy, oily, moist and hot.
Eat less foods that are pungent (spicy), bitter, astringent/light, cold and dry.

For those of you who would like a more complete list of beneficial foods, see a complete by clicking "Read More."

Clarified butter, or ghee, is common in India.
Why is it so amazing?

First, let's get the facts on the table.
It's primarily made of saturated fats.
(Everything in moderation, right?!)

However, ghee is free of hydrogenated fats and milk proteins.
It's a better butter!

In Ayurveda, ghee is said to help rid the body of toxins, and balance Vata and Pitta. It is also said to help the body absorb nutrients, and make herbal remedies more potent.

Give ghee a try today!

Source: http://moonlightened.hubpages.com/hub/ghee-benefits-and-uses-of-indian-clarified-butter